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Tiny Towns is the Perfect “Gateway Game”

Over the many years of playing Board Games, I've found that there are two different types of board game players. First, there are those that play traditional board games like Monopoly, Risk, and now, yes even Settlers of Catan. Then there is another breed of board game players that venture out into more difficult and deep experiences, such as Scythe, Isle of Skye, Tapestry, and more. Without actually being forced from the former into the latter, it's actually difficult to get someone to move into the latter category. Enter what I think is the perfect "gateway ...

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Smash Up Card Game Review

Smash Up is a card game designed and created by Paul Peterson, and published by Alederac Entertainment Group (AEG). Since it's release a few years ago, Paul and AEG have been steadily releasing numerous expansions for the game, to a point where AEG decided to release a special large box to hold all the expansion that had been coming out! I've played Smash Up Munchkin in the past, but this look at Smash Up was my first go with the original game. How does it play? It is worth a purchase? We will explore that and more, so let's get started and take a look at ...

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