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Holiday 2019 – Board Game Gift Guide

With the holiday season upon us, each year we aim to provide quick and easy information on some of our favourite games for those who are looking to purchase a gift for a friend or family member. To that end, we have collected the list of our favourite board games of 2019 and are sharing them with you here! All of these games have been reviewed by us, and none of the links below are affiliated. We are simply looking to help you find the best games that will be sure to please anyone on your list! Let’s dive in!


King Me! – Ravensburger


King me is a mix of a strategy area defense game and checkers rolled into one. Players will move checker pieces around the board, attempting to crown themselves King while also defending territories to score points. As someone who craves more two players games, this is a perfect addition to our household board game collection, and has been getting a lot of play! You can read our review here!

You can purchase King Me! on Amazon.


Villainous – Ravensburger


As a huge Disney fan, getting board games based on my favourite characters and franchises is pretty great. Unfortunately, for the most part, Disney themed board games haven’t actually been all that good. Enter Villainous, a game unlike anything else, where each player takes a villain and works towards unique objectives to win the game. With two additional expansions to purchase, and a total of 12 villains to play as, no two games will ever be the same. You can read our review here!

You can purchase Villainous on Amazon.


Space Base – Alderac Entertainment Group


Space Base is not only a uniquely designed game, but one that delivers a ton of strategy with just a short explanation time. Getting into a game of Space Base with people who have never played before is super easy, as the game does such an excellent job of explain what to do. In Space Base, players will deploy and dock ships in their base to accrue points and ultimately win the game. With so many unqiue ships to choose from, and a ton of different abilities on each, there is tons of variety and many ways to play, making this one you can come back to again and again. Read our review here!

You can purchase Space Base on Amazon.


Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch – Asmodee


Settlers of Catan must be considered an ‘old’ game by now, but it is one that has taken many casual board game fans into the world of the hardcore. It’s the gateway ‘drug’ to more complicated board games, and it does a fabulous job. Over the years, the team behind this fantastic game have made subtle differences and branched out into new franchises, including Game of Thrones.
In Brotherhood of the Watch, players will go through their turns much like they would in Catan, gathering resources and building roads and buildings. The added threat of a wildling invasion, however, will keep you on your toes, especially if you’ve settled on the most lucrative spaces just below the wall! You can read our full review here.

You can purchase Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch on Amazon.


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