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Nintendo Direct Announced for 9/13/22

Nintendo has announced a new Direct for 9/13/22. Hey, wait…thats tomorrow! Check out the info below and our thoughts on the Nintendo Direct.


A new Nintendo Direct has been announced for tomorrow (9/13). It will be roughly 40 minutes of information and focus on games coming this winter!

First of all…40 minutes?! WOW! The way that Nintendo presents games lately, really fast, means that we can expect a ton of games in this Direct. Of course, not all of them will be from Nintendo. We can expect plenty of third party and some indie news too.

Second of all, you may think “this winter” only means November and December but likely it means November, Decemeber, January, February, and some of March. Nintendo is going all out for this Direct and may even show off…

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2?! Yes, I think we’ll finally get more information on that game! If the game is coming this winter, then we should get a title and see more of it.

What else can we expect? I think we’ll see more from Square Enix. Likely Harvestella, Tactics Ogre, Dragon Quest Treasure and Crisis Core will make appearances. Maybe we’ll see something new too. I’d love to see Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions Remaster and Dragon Quest HD-2D. Ah, we can dream.

In any case, Square Enix should be a big part of this as always. Ubisoft will likely show something, at least Spark of Hope again, and there are sure to be surprises from other developers.

This Nintendo Direct has been rumored for a little bit and it turns out the rumor was true! We are getting a Nintendo Direct tomorrow. Thank you Nintendo. We absolutely needed this.

What do you think about tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct? What do you think they’ll show?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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