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My Most Anticipated Titles from Nintendo Direct 9.4.2019

With so many announcements coming out of Nintendo these days, it can be hard to keep up with all of the epic games coming out in the next year, so we are making it our mission to stay on top of the Nintendo Direct livestreams and provide you with some of our feedback and favourite titles making their way to Nintendo Switch in the near future. Take a look at some of today’s news!

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Overwatch comes to Nintendo Switch!

As a long time Overwatch fan, I simply cannot wait to bring my favourite heroes into battle on my switch next month! In addition to the familiar Overwatch gameplay, the Switch version will also feature gyro controls which will allow players to use the tilt of their console to line up precision shots, pilot D.Va’s mech through the air, steer Junkrat’s RIP-tire and much more!

While I certainly don’t need any more reasons to grab Overwatch on my Switch, these additional controls are a nice feature that shows off the versatility of the console. Keep your eye out for the release of Overwatch on your Switch coming to North America on October 15th!

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Animal Crossing New Horizons offers Creative Freedom!

New Horizons brings some major changes to the Animal Crossing franchise, some of the most notable being item crafting and outdoor furniture! Set on a deserted island, you will have to craft basic tools in order to collect resources that allow you to build additional tools or furniture, as well as allowing you to sell them to Nook Inc for some cash. That’s right, you can’t even escape Tom Nook by getting yourself stranded on a deserted island!

Outdoor furniture, as the second major change, allows players unlimited creative freedom when designing not just their home, but their entire island. This combines with the crafting system to provide the opportunity to create some exceptionally unique nature-based island layouts.

While it was announced previously and does not release until March 2020, it still makes the list of my most anticipated titles from this Nintendo Direct as New Horizons has already recaptured my love for this franchise and I have never been more ready to hop into the land of Animal Crossing!

For full coverage of the Nintendo Direct live stream, check the YouTube link below! Don’t forget to share your most anticipated Nintendo titles in the comments below!

Alternatively, visit to watch the stream direct from Nintendo’s website!



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