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Have you Solved the Mystery of Grand Theft Auto’s Serial Killer?

Merle - Serial Killer - Grand Theft Auto V

Did you know that there’s a serial killer in San Andreas? It’s not necessarily something you’d come across too heavily in the main story, but every thread is there to follow the mystery through to completion, to find the culprit and to find his victims, if only you have the time and energy to pull it off.

It’s one of those things that’s rather amazing when you think about it. Rockstar put this thread in just in case someone picked up on it. You could have come across it at any point in the chain – even swimming randomly. It wouldn’t have made any sense unless you’d come across previous parts of the riddle, so you’d probably have dismissed it as randomness, as an easter egg, but for the most eagle eyed, travelling through each step of the way is reward enough.

It begins simply enough. There was a man called Merle Abrahams in Sandy Shores. He became obsessed with the number 8, enough so that he decided it meant he needed to kill 8 people. At some point, his neighbours took a dislike to him, painted graffiti on his house and even attempted to burn it down.

Merle escaped, and although there’s been no definitive proof of where he ran to, Reddit users apparently have reported a shack in the desert from which screams can be heard.

The next piece of the puzzle comes from a series of dark poems about his victims, and someone familiar enough with the San Andreas landscape can follow each poem through to the next until you get through to a chilling conclusion.

It makes for fascinating reading and must have been quite a pain to put together, so I definitely urge you to click across and check out the mystery of the Infinite 8.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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