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Roots of Pacha Can’t Come to Switch Soon Enough

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been playing the PC life simulation game, Roots of Pacha. Similar to a Stardew Valley, Roots of Pacha is set in the Stone Age, where you play alongside your adoptive tribe to help them move through time. There is an overarching story here, but what grabbed me was the gameplay loop. Let’s take a look.


Roots of Pacha has all the things you would expect from a farming / life simulation game. You can grow crops, tend to animals, build structures, fish, and so much more. The loop is really great though, as everything is tied to how far along the community you are a part of is.

As you donate more and more for the communal good – i.e. selling goods – the village slowly advances and more and more things become available to you. Before you know it, you are making saddles, fishing poles, and more. You really are pushing your civilization forward by contributing to the greater good.

What I really like here is that all the other people in the village are contributing as well, and so early on, when only a few plants are available to you and not much else, your personal earnings might be low, but combined with the rest of the tribe, the game continues to move forward.

Graphically, Roots of Pacha hits all the right spots. The graphics are phenomenal, as is the games audio direction. There isn’t anything I really don’t like about the game, although perhaps more time would highlight those for me. I do suppose you might feel a bit limited by the placement of your buildings, which can only go to certain areas of your village.

There is so much to unlock in Roots of Pacha. New buildings, new items, new tribes to interact with. It’s all delivered to you at a fairly good pace, and keeps you wanting to play for hours upon hours. If you are looking for a new simulation game to play, Roots of Pacha is probably a good bet!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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