User disturbeddude101 over at the Official Playstation Forums posted a convincing photo of what looks like a poster for a new God Of War game entitled God Of War: Redemption for PS4 and Vita. Fellow members on the GOW board were understandably excited at the prospect of a return to Kratos’ story on the next-gen console. Unfortunatly their excitement was short-lived. Upon closer inspection of the apparent game poster many mistakes were uncovered proving it to be a Photoshop fake.

Looks pretty convincing right? However take a closer look at the fine print.
Notice the words ‘make belive‘ which of course should say ‘make believe‘. The word SONY is never written in all caps and Playstation is always spelled as PlayStation on official products.
Later, in the same thread, disturbeddude101 posted a Jak IV poster too. This time with no spelling errors.

But we’ll just take that with a hefty pinch of salt.
God Of War developers Santa Monica Studios are currently working on The Order: 1886, a PS4 exclusive coming in 2014.
With almost 30 years of video game experience to his name, Steven knows more than a thing or two about the industry and has been putting it all to words these past few years. As a trophy hunter, the Playstation brand gets most of his attention. Twitter: SteveVanEekeren PSN: Devils_Demon
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