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Strategy-Hungry Gamers Pledge $40,000 to Kickstarter in 24 Hours

The turn-based strategy genre used to be a big hitter on PC and even managed to leak onto consoles occasionally. That was a long time ago though, and if you want something similar today you’ll need to be content with going with something a little older or something that’s not exactly what you want. Maybe that’s why KING Art Games are making Battle Worlds: Kronos, and why 1000 gamers hungry for a return of their favourite genre have given almost $40,000 towards the game, through Kickstarter, in a mere 24 hours.

If you’ve ever played enjoyed anything along the lines of Advance Wars, Battle Worlds: Kronos is for you. It’ll have everything you’d expect; units with various strengths and weaknesses, obstacles to avoid and that all-too-often moment where the realization suddenly dawns on how outgunned you are (usually when a new unit joins the enemy as reinforcements). The game also boasts beautiful HD graphics and a multiplayer mode. A story mode and challenges guarantee to hold your attention and the developers have promised there will be no DRM. no DLC and no micro-transactions.

You can read more about Battle World: Kronos over at Kickstarter, as well as see a few more screens and video. With 39 days left to raise the extra $80,000, at this rate I think we may have another Kickstarter record on our hands.

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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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