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Tales of Symphonia Remastered Is Now Available

Tales of Symphonia Remastered is out now for the PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Check out the launch trailer below, along with some thoughts from us about the game.

Tales of Symphonia Remastered is out now for the PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

I remember playing the game on the Gamecube and liking it a lot. Symphonia is a jrpg with combat that is more action based. The graphics for the Remastered verison has been enhanced plus the game has received quality of life features. Its always exciting when a classic jrpg gets an update. will be checking out the Switch and PS4 versions of the game. Stay tuned for reviews of both as soon as possible!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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