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Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Now Available for Pre-order

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is now available for pre-order on the Nintendo Switch. We have the details below!

Dragon Quest Monstes: The Dark Prince is now available for pre-order on the Nintendo Switch! The game comes out on December 1st. There are two versions of the game available for pre-order: the regular version and the Digital Deluxe Edition.

The Digital Deluxe Edition will include all of the upcoming DLC: The Mole Hole, Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym, Treasure Trunks, and Prince’s Pack.

The Mole Hole and Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym especially sound cool. Both are special dungeons! With the Mole Hole, you can find monsters that you’ve found before, which should be great for recruiting monsters that you’ve either missed getting or ones that you’ve combined.

And then there’s Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym! This one features randomly generated maps that change every time you visit them. You’ll only be able to take certain monsters into them and no items! Yes, these dungeons will be harder and they’ll have a boss at the end of them.

These two DLCs sound really great. My only worry is that they’ll turn out to be like Dragon Quest Treasures extra dungeon area which wasn’t so much dungeons as it was just different rooms that you visited. I’m hoping The Mole Hole and Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym will be more like Dragon Quest 9’s random dungeons. The tease of Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym suggests it will. If these dungeons are like DQ9, I’ll be addicted to these DLCs.


Oh and the Treasure Trunks DLC sounds good too. You’ll be able to open this special treasure trunk every hour for helpful items. The Prince Pack are just some helpful items but could be cool. Overall, the Digital Deluxe edition sounds amazing. Though, it is going to be 85.99, so you’ll have to decide if you think that its all worth that much or not. I think it will be if you plan to play the game a lot. You can also buy all of this DLC individually. $20 for the two dungeon DLCs (ten apiece) is not bad at all.

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince looks like a really great game. If you love Dragon Quest and you’re also a Pokémon fan, then you’ll be very interested in this game! I know I can’t wait to play it.

Are you looking forward to Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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