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Miitopia – Demonstration (Video)

Treehouse Live showed off Miitopia for 3DS today. We have video of that and my impressions of it! Please check out both.

If you like Tomodachi Life for the 3DS, then you may very well like Miitopia.

Where as Tomodachi Life was a straight simulation game, Miitopia is more of an role playing game. There is a specific quest in this game, an rpg battle system, and all the usual trappings of role playing games. There is still some simulation elements, such as visiting an inn and having your characters interact with each other.

It was said during the Treehouse that the game is about relationships and we saw that in full force today. Mii characters interacted in the Inn and their relationship grew (shown by a heart filling up). We also saw really goofy dialogue from the characters during their trips in the field. I really love that dialogue.

Speaking of those trips in the field, that’s where you will run into random battles. Yes, Miitopia features random battles, but these battles go very quick. The battle system is pretty simple and yet features tons of personality from the party members. Are you ready for the butt jab?

Of course, just like Tomodachi Life, the best part of Miitopia is putting your own Mii characters in the game! You can take Mii characters from an online server, your Tomodachi Life save, your system, the Mii cellphone game, or create new ones. That’s a lot of options for finding new Mii characters to add to the game!

Miitopia looks like a good game for the 3DS. If you want to try it yourself, there is currently a demo on the 3DS eshop. I will try to have my impressions of the demo tomorrow!

What do you think of Miitopia?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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