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Princess Peach Showtime Demo Thoughts

Princess Peach Showtime is coming out this month. And so last night, Nintendo released a demo of it. We checked it out and here are our impressions of the game.

Princess Peach Showtime's first level

This is normal?

Princess Peach Showtime will be coming out on March 22nd, 2024. Nintendo released a demo for the game last night. I checked it and how some thoughts on the game!

In Showtime, Peach goes to a theater to have some fun and of course ends up on a quest instead. A villain comes in to cause trouble and Princess Peach is more than happy to help. Thats the game’s story and there’s a bit of a cutscene and then dialogue that steps it all up. You then go into two different areas in the demo.

The first area has Peach traveling toward a castle. The backgrounds look a lot stage sets with the foreground being a bit more three dimensional. Its a pretty neat look that feels similar to something like Yoshi’s Crafted World or Kirby’s Epic Yarn.

The gameplay has you first healing people and plants and then Peach transforms into a swordfighter.

Princess Peace as Swordfighter Peach

Peach looks awesome!

As a swordfighter, Peach can attack enemies with her sword and dodge quickly out of their way. Its pretty fun gameplay. The level in the demo doesn’t seem too hard but its definitely enjoyable. The hidden secrets to find promise that the levels will have some replay value.

After you finish the first level, you can go into another level where Peach becomes a baker! This level will have you making cookies and decorating cakes. The cookies part is not too bad but decorating cakes is a little trickier.

Each of these levels say To Be Continued at the end hinting that there will be more to these areas than just these stages.

Princess Peach as Baker Peach taking part in the cookie baking mini-game

Mmmm. Cookies!

Princess Peach Showtime’s demo isn’t too long nor is it too hard but its pretty neat overall. The graphics are nice and the gameplay is cute and fun. The video at the end hints at even cooler outfits for Peach such as a ninja, a cowgirl, and more. It looks like Princess Peach Showtime is going to be a really fun game!

Have you tried the demo? Will you be checking out the full game?

Princess Peach Showtime comes out on March 22nd, 2024.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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