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Middle-earth: Shadow of War Feral Tribe Trailer

Interested in another look at the upcoming Middle-earth: Shadow of War game? You’re in luck! Today, we have a new trailer for the game and some details about the Feral tribe. According to a PR e-mail we received, “the Feral tribe, a faction of Orcs who revere the fearsome beasts of Mordor, feeding on the strength of these vicious creatures as inspiration for their own acts of savagery. ” “In Shadow of War, Orcs now belong to tribes, which extend…

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Monster Hunter Stories Launch Trailer

Monster Hunter Stories came out today for the Nintendo 3DS! Here is the launch trailer for the game. Along with the full game, a demo of Monster Hunter Stories is also currently available on the 3DS eshop. Please check out my opinion of the 3DS demo.’s editor-in-chief Adam Roffel will be bringing you a review of Monster Hunter Stories soon! What do you think of Monster Hunter Stories?…

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More Thoughts From Me #84: Can You Dig It?

Move over Shovel Knight! There’s only one true digging game and its based in Steamworld. Ok, so Shovel Knight is cool too. And they have their own amiibo figures. And…whatever. I still think Steamworld Dig is cooler. Rusty would totally beat up Shovel Knight if those two characters were in Smash Bros (please Nintendo?). And so its great that there is a Streamworld Dig 2 with Rusty…wait a second. That isn’t Rusty! What’s going on here?! Lets take a look…

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Syberia 1 to be released on Nintendo Switch in October

I love Adventure games. I’m not much of a PC gamer but I use to play point-and-click games a lot. And I’m always interested in Adventure games on consoles too. A few years ago, I played a game called Syberia on one of Xbox systems I believe. I thought it was a really odd and very cool game. Syberia was an old school Adventure/puzzle game. We don’t see those type of games too often anymore. So it pleases me to…

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Worms W.M.D. is coming to Nintendo Switch

Ready for a turn-based strategy game with worms for the Nintendo Switch? If so, you should check out the trailer below for footage of Worms W.M.D! Worms W.M.D is coming to the Nintendo Switch later this year. It is a unique turn-based strategy game staring Worms. I’m not sure what to think about this first trailer. There looks to be a lot of different aspects to the game. However, the trailer makes it look more like an action game or…

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Nindies Summer Showcase 2017

Nintendo of America did a Nindies Summer Showcase video presentation today. A lot of games were shown off. Check out the video below and please come back for my opinion of the showcase and the games shown. The Nindies Summer Showcase today was really good. I wasn’t sure it would be at first because I didn’t find the initial games that impressive (Super Meat Boy Forever looked ok, but not my sort of game). But then we got big news…

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Press Release: Harmonix Announces ‘Super Beat Sports,’ Coming This Fall to Nintendo Switch

Harmonix announced Super Beat Sports today. We have a press release and gameplay trailer below for it! “BOSTON – Aug. 30, 2017 – Rock Band™ and DropMix™ creators Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. have revealed Super Beat Sports™, a new collection of sports-themed mini-games with a musical twist, expected to arrive this fall and deliver fast-paced co-op fun for players of all ages on Nintendo Switch™. Based on the Apple TV hit Beat Sports™, which pit players against rhythm-loving aliens from…

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Rocket League- Nintendo Switch Battle-Cars Trailer

When Rocket League was announced for the Nintendo Switch, a lot of people were excited for it. I had never heard of the game before. Now that I know what it is, I am a bit skeptical that I’d like it. That said, something was revealed today for the game that I thought was pretty cool! Check out the trailer below and then we’ll talk about it. Rocket League on the Nintendo Switch is going to get three exclusive cars!…

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Three New Characters Revealed for Injustice 2

Hellboy will be joining Injustice 2! Today, Hellboy along with two characters were revealed for Injustice 2’s Fighter pack 2. We have the details and a trailer revealing the characters below. Hellboy, Black Manta, and Raiden will be joining Injustice 2 via Fighter Pack 2. Here is some more information about the new DLC via a PR email we received: “Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today released a new trailer unveiling the next three DLC characters for Injustice…

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One More Dungeon crawls onto the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita This Year

Ratalaika Games is of the best Indie publishers out there. They have a new game, League of Evil, coming to the Switch next week! And today they announced that they will be bringing another game, One More Dungeon, to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita later this year. One More Dungeon, developed by Stately Snail will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, Vita, and PlayStation 4 later this year thanks to Ratalaika Games. The game is a first person…

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