BANG, BOOM, ZAP, WHAM, CRASH, and POW! Say hello to the sounds that are filling rooms and eardrums all across the planet. Image Credits The video game industry has exploded to preposterous levels in recent years, all thanks to digital technology and our love for living vicariously through vivid imaginations and stories brought to life. From 6 years old kids to Hamako Mori at 90 years of age, we all have fallen madly in love with playing video games, each…
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Why A Lot Of Millennials Prefer Playing Mobile Casinos
Millennials, people aged from 21 to 35, always like having fun through playing their favorite games. They go to land-based casinos to gamble and make real money. However, many of them have stopped visiting land-based casinos. Managements of gambling houses are concerned about this. That’s the reason why online casinos are getting traction across the globe. Smart gaming has won the hearts of millions of people across the globe. Hundreds of credible gambling ...
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What is Gambling Software?
When one speaks of gambling software, it doesn’t necessarily mean downloadable games. Casinos used to require players to download and install software on your PC, but times have changed. Today, software and apps have become optional depending on what device you have and where you want to play your favorite games like best payout online slots. The Gambling Act defines software as any computer software used in connection with remote gambling. This may include ...
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Game Monetization: 11 Tips for Maximizing Revenue
Game publishers are continually grappling to find methods to maximize revenue by smart monetization strategies. With only 2-7% conversions to paying users by freemium games, the situation is quite grim for the publishers which justifies the desperate attempts at working out alternate solutions for increasing revenue without trading-off quality. Let’s walk through eleven tips that will help you maximize revenue through ingenious monetization methods. Value ...
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Video games can be great therapy for depression
Depression makes it tough to enjoy your life. The feelings of hopelessness and despair hound you to the point of breaking down. There are no words to describe the terror that depression fills within an individual. Source Let’s be frank; most of us have felt utterly depressed at some point in our life. Or, we may be in touch with someone who is going through the harrowing bouts of depression. It affects more than 15 million people in the United…
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What Does the Future Portend for Mobile Gaming?
Ask a different generation what they think of when they think about gaming and they will probably bring up playing a console game and enjoying a game with friends. There is talk of controllers and other such things. That being said, the modern way to do gaming looks a lot more like the smartphones that we all carry with us all the time. Smartphone gaming has captured a big portion of the overall gaming market. It has many wondering what…
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10 of the Best Video Games of All Time
Listing the best video games of all time is no easy feat. After all, gamers have very personal attachments to their favorite games, and when they don’t make the list…well, let’s just say it’s impossible to please everyone. This list includes nostalgic classics that have withstood the test of time as well as modern hits that have redefined their genre and helped to shape the growing industry. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, ...
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ARMS Global Testpunch
With the ARMS Global Testfire complete, people have been flooding the internet with streams and opinions on Nintendo's latest IP. For myself, ARMS really reminds me of Splatoon when it was first announced and shown off. Until you get your hands on it, you are pretty skeptical of the overall appeal. I had zero faith in, or desire to play, ARMS, but when you help run a video game website, taking one for the team and playing a game you don't think you will like is ...
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Riot Games Launches University League of Legends to Develop College eSports
Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, recently announced that it has a created a program called uLOL which stands for University League of Legends. In case you don’t know what League of Legends is, it’s arguably the most popular game in the world and is estimated that last year it generated more than 1.6 million in revenue and is considered one of the fastest growing eSports online.
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The Pros and Cons of Mighty No. 9 Open Beta Version
If you’re a Megaman fan, whether it’s the original, X, Battle Network or so, you might be looking at its successor. Since it’s birth way back in 1987, the Megaman series has been very successful. The blue pixel guy has been attracting several players around the world due to his amazing adventures
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