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blank Articles, News 9 years ago

New Xbox One Elite Bundle Available to Preorder

This year, Microsoft unveiled their Xbox One Elite controller, a controller that any one who plays console video games would love to have. Unfortunetly, the price here in Canada is pushing 200$ after you factor in taxes. For that kind of money, you could almost get a Wii U! Today, Microsoft announced the Xbox One Elite bundle was available to preorder.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

X15 Toronto: Skylanders Remains Kid Friendly

When trolling around the show floor at Microsoft of Canada's X15 Xbox event in Toronto this week, I stopped in to play the new Skylanders game from Activision. I was partially enticed by the game play I saw from far away, and also slightly enticed by the sweet swag they were offering. Regardless, I sat down with a member of the development team, played the game, and asked the one question I had: will Skylanders Super Chargers still be (little) kid friendly?

blank Articles 9 years ago

The History of Online Casinos

There have been millions of pounds spent on online casinos over the years, and now betting adverts and web gambling are as common as the regular kind - if not more so.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

New Splatoon Content Worth It

If you've moved on from Splatoon it is time to go back. The August update added tons of new content to the game, but most importantly, the level cap was raised from 20 to 50. Overall, for free DLC, there really is not anything to dislike in this latest update.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

Gamescom gets Backwards

Microsoft announced at Gamescom last week that they would be rolling out backwards compatibility to all Xbox One owners in November. Right now, the feature is exclusive to Xbox One preview program users. I have been using it for some time now, and for the most part, it works. If you purchased Rare Replay, you will get an idea of how the system will work for Xbox 360 titles.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts Under Appreciated

When the Banjo games landed on the Nintendo 64, no one thought they could compete with the other successful platforming titles on the system. Even near the end of its life cycle, people continued to debate which was better: Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, or either of the Banjo games.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

Rare Replay: Worth Every Dollar

The dollar per game price tag is not something you ever see on Xbox One or PS4. In fact, you rarely see that price tag on any gaming system. Paying a dollar for a game is mobile stuff! Or at least it was, until Rare and Microsoft launched Rare Replay last week. 30 Games, 30 Dollars.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

Quiet Summer equals Big Fall? Nintendo Fans Hope So

Outside of Splatoon updates, Nintendo has done very little these past few months. Most people would come to the conclusion that their E3 press conference left a lot to be desired, and very little in way of new titles this summer has made few people forget that. Nintendo has had a disappointing Summer 2015, but this could mean bigger and better things this fall.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

Surprise Game Announcements at GamesCom

Microsoft continues to have a strong GamesCom showing with a few new game announcements and trailers. Today, Microsoft announced and showed trailers for Quantum Break, Crackdown 3, Scalebound, Killer Instinct Season 3, and Halo Wars 2.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

What big video game studios and Hollywood have in common

When the first commercial video games were released back in the early 1970s, a brand new, billion dollar industry was created. With the development of computer hardware, games have become more colorful, more visually appealing, and much more entertaining (although I must say I still enjoy a game of Pong from time to time). In the decades that followed major game developers have grown into huge conglomerates, led by businessmen rather than enthusiastic developers, and their goal has switched from entertaining to making the most profits possible.