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Family Games To Play Over Christmas

With Christmas soon approaching, everyone’s stress levels will be running high, with last minute Christmas food shopping, gift wrapping and so on. It’s all very daunting, but it’s worth it when you finally sit down and appreciate the beauty of Christmas with your loved ones. If you’re spending Christmas with friends, family or both, it’s good to make the most of the time you spend together, so why not try and play a few family games to get you into the mood?

Show a bit of Christmas cheer, play a little ‘family friendly’ Christmas poker, or Christmas charades (Can you see the theme here?). Here are some great ideas for games you and your party can play, both electronically and otherwise, whilst donning your favorite Christmas Sweaters  and recovering from the mountain of food you ate earlier that day.


You can’t hate a traditional game of monopoly! Everyone’s most loved (and hated) board game, it’s a fantastic way to get the whole family involved, and really pull out that competitive streak in everyone. And if you want to bring the festivity level up a notch, why not buy the Christmas version!


Mario Party

Mario Party is a console game, and will require the Wii U, but this is a brilliant party game for all ages. It doesn’t follow your typical Mario theme. You and 3 others can pick a character and play as you make your way around what is designed to look like a board game.

You take turns rolling the dice, moving around the board, collecting coins and avoiding Bowser and his minions, until you can purchase two gold stars. The game ends when someone has successfully purchased two stars – but it’s not easy!

There are tricks, traps, and head to head minigames with the other players should you land on the right square, and these give opportunities to steal items from other players. The game is a simple enough concept, but provides lots of fun for people of all ages and abilities, as you don’t necessarily have to be a pro gamer to win.

Jackbox Games

For those that are unaware and never heard of Jackbox, it’s definitely worth a try. Jackbox basically takes all the traditional family games like charades, pictionary and trivia… and makes them, well, weird. There are plenty of game modes for different moods, not one game is similar to the others.

It’s a great game for families to play, and can be as innocent, and adult themed, as you want. It really pushes you to be as creative as possible, to think outside the box and show everyone your humorous side in friendly (and often wacky) competition.

To play this, you initially need a console, like Xbox, or even PC, but the controllers are your smartphones! That’s right, you play this game by all joining an online server by going onto, and then entering a unique code for your party. Even if you’re not in the room with everyone, you can still join in on the fun!


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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