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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is the newest FF game to come to the Nintendo Switch. This one is a remaster of a PSP game. Is Crisis Core a fun game? How well does it run on the Nintendo Switch? If you’re a FF fan, should you get this game? Here’s our review of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion for the Nintendo Switch!


Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a prequel to Final Fantasy 7 staring Zack, a character that was mentioned in FF7 but was not a staring character in that game. Zack is works for Shrina, the evil corporation from Final Fantasy 7. When some soldiers of Shrina start going rogue, Zack and others investigate to try and find out whats going on. That’s the main story of Crisis Core.

There are a lot of side missions that Zack can take on via save points that help expand upon his world. Crisis Core isn’t as big a game as FF7, but fans of the aforementioned game will love it. There are so many places from FF7 and even characters from that game too. Do you have to play FF7 to enjoy Crisis Core? We think so. This prequel has a ton of fan service in it and there are lot of things players may not understand if they haven’t played Final Fantasy 7. So yes, its recommended that you play FF7 first and then Crisis Core. Thankfully FF7 is available on the Nintendo Switch!

What about Crisis Core’s gameplay? Well, its totally different than Final Fantasy 7. The gameplay is actually a little bit closer to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Not exactly like that, the item menu is more streamlined that FF7 Remake, but the gameplay is very action based. Combat can feel a bit hack and slash at times, but its still a lot of fun. Using magic and spell skills does mix things up a little bit. You’ll get plenty of opportunity to check out the combat in main and side missions.

Out of combat, Crisis Core isn’t an open world game, but the game does open up a bit more as you progress and give you a few areas to explore. Many of the areas will look familiar to FF7 fans. You’ll find mini-games and side quests in these areas. The main and side mission areas are a bit straight forward and linear with some branching paths for items here and there. Crisis Core’s gameplay is a different type of experience from Final Fantasy 7 but we still believe that’s fans of the classic jrpg will enjoy this game too.

Crisis Core is a lot of fun on the Nintendo Switch. It runs great and in portable mode, the mission based system, main and side, is just perfect. This game was made as a handheld game and it does show. There are a lot of save points in Crisis Core, so this game really is perfect for on-the-go gameplay. Not only that, but its graphics are pretty great too!


Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion looks great on the Switch. No, it doesn’t look as great as it does on the PS5 or the Xbox Series, but its still pretty impressive looking. Summons look especially cool. There is some repetitiveness in enemies and backgrounds, especially in missions, but that was how it was on the PSP.

If you played the game on the PSP, the graphical upgrade is still noticeable on the Switch. If you’re wanting the best graphics, you should probably get it on one of the other systems, but otherwise Crisis Core plays very well on the Switch.

As for the soundtrack, its just out of this world. The music is classic. There are a lot of the same music you’d find in FF7 in this game and all of it sounds so good. If you got the digital deluxe version of Crisis Core, like we did, then you can listen to some of the songs while looking through artwork. So nice. Oh and the voice acting in Crisis Core is great too. The music and voice acting add to an already high-quality experience.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a great game. If you’re someone who loves to play games like this in portable mode, then this is the version of the game to get. If you’re more concerned about graphics, then you’ll want to the PS5 or Xbox Series game. Any way you go though, you shouldn’t miss out on Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion.


Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a really great game. Even though this a prequel, you will likely enjoy this game more if you’ve already played Final Fantasy 7. There is just so fan service and some many things that just click once you’ve played both games. Not only that, but the gameplay is a lot of fun. The missions are super addictive! Overall, Crisis Core is a great game and excellent addition to the Nintendo Switch library.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion gets a 9.5 out of 10.

Thanks to Square Enix for providing a digital code for this review. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is out now for the Nintendo Switch.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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