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Yooka-Layee jumps onto the Nintendo Switch this December

Remember Yooka-Layee? Awhile back the game was supposed to come to the Wii U, but then was canceled for that system and announced for the Nintendo Switch. We’ve been waiting on the duo to pop up on a Nintendo system and finally a release date for Yooka-Layee on the Switch has been announced!


Yooka-Layee will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on December 14th! The game will be available for pre-load on December 7th though.

According to Playtonic Games (the developer) official website, “Yooka-Laylee for Nintendo Switch features a shed-load of polish and updates, including single-JoyCon play across all eight multiplayer games, a custom Achievement system, plus the ability to take our collecting duo on the go without the need for extravagant extension leads!”

The game will also feature “a brand new camera mode, control improvements, menu options, music… and a lot more!”

Yooka-Layee looks like a lot of fun. Are you looking forward to it?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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