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How To Make Your Gaming Hobby a Whole Lot Cheaper

Gaming is one of the most enjoyable hobbies that everyone can get into. Unfortunately, it’s also fairly expensive considering the cost of the console, games and peripherals. So to help you out, we’ve put together a couple of tips on how you can drastically cut down the costs of your gaming hobby and save a lot of money.

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Always look at reviews before playing a game

Looking at reviews always helps you decide if a game is worth it or not. A bit of research isn’t much to ask if it helps you save a lot of money on your games. However, instead of just looking at generic reviews of the best video games for PS4, you should look for reviewers that share your gaming interests. For example, YouTubers and bloggers that review video games tend to have a strong personality. They know exactly the type of games they enjoy even if it’s not a popular mainstream title. This is a great way to find excellent niche games that would otherwise get low review scores because they’re not in line with current mainstream interests.

Sell the games that you’ve finished

Some people love to collect video games but if you don’t have the space to store them or would prefer to make some money back, you should consider selling your games after you’re done with them. This is a great way to get a bit of cash back after an expensive game purchase and there are plenty of ways to sell your unwanted games.

Wait before you purchase the next-gen consoles

A new console release doesn’t happen often but this is a huge tip that can save you a lot of hassle and money. We understand that you want to play the latest video games on the newest consoles so we won’t tell you to wait until they’re on sale, but we will suggest that you wait until after the first wave of consoles is sold.


This is usually a period of a few days or even weeks. This is because new consoles like the PS5 might come with hardware issues and defects that ruin the game experience. If this happens, you could be left with a non-functioning console that you need to go through the hassle of replacing. In some cases, you may even get so frustrated that you feel like you’ve wasted hundreds on a badly-made console.

Wait until those problems come to light and then decide if it’s worth getting the next-gen console right away or if you should wait for a new revision.

Look after your peripherals

Controllers and cables can be surprisingly expensive. We understand that you might get frustrated at times and hit your controller, but you should be careful not to damage it too much because a replacement is costly. Look after all of your gaming peripherals, clean them regularly if you see a lot of dust or grime build-up, and make sure you treat them like any other expensive electronic device.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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