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What to Think About When Building a New PC

Building a new rig can be a terrifying ordeal, but it’s also exceptionally rewarding. A newly assembled PC can ensure:

  • Better enjoyment of gaming hobbies, like playing Goldenslot or other online games
  • A boost in work performance so that you can submit reports and meet deadlines consistently
  • A longer lifespan for your computer
  • A machine that doesn’t immediately depreciate after newer iterations of current technology (because specifications fall behind quickly)
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Building a PC yourself can spare you significant costs if you know where to look and what parts to use. However, assembling a computer without the help of professionals also comes with unique risks.

A custom-built PC is an individualized pursuit which may or may not pay off in the long run. We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips to prevent you from committing costly, common mistakes when building your own rig. These are fundamental principles intended for new builders.

Be specific with your wants and needs.

Before putting together your dream rig, ask yourself these questions:

What am I aiming to achieve with this build?

You can always have a better building experience and improved design, but the goal is to assemble a machine that addresses your needs. Be cautious of adding whimsical upgrades.

Will you use the computer exclusively for work? Do your tasks involve heavy rendering? Will you game on the side, and do the games demand high-fidelity graphics?

A clear goal will help you avoid costly mistakes.

What’s my budget?

If money were no object, you could disregard this question. The reality is that most people work within a budget framework.

A financially savvy strategy for stricter budgets is to read countless reviews on your desired components while looking for viable alternatives from other brands. For example, Intel used to be the leading manufacturer for processors, but more companies are starting to favour AMD.

Choose your components carefully and stay aware of how much your project is costing you as purchases accumulate.

Be mindful of compatibility.

You might be new, but we’re sure you have your reasons for customizing a PC. We recommend lurking on Reddit as an excellent research centre. Some discussions spark polarizing opinions, so it’s best to stick with more objective subreddits, such as:

  • r/BuildAPC
  • r/BuildAPCForMe
  • r/PCPartpicker

The last thing you want is to buy a fantastic piece of equipment, only to find that it doesn’t work with the other parts you own. It might even be entirely incompatible with your motherboard.

Keep a constant baseline.

Every need is unique, so expect PC builds to require flexibility.


While performance can vary, there are benchmarks most industries observe. These are the specs that allow you to power through normal work on a computer:

  • Even if you use your PC exclusively for work, install enough random-access memory (RAM). The most optimized internet browsers, like Google Chrome, are increasingly demanding more memory. 8GB of RAM should let you handle multiple tabs and play some games on Goldenslot without any hiccups.
  • Use a Ryzen-3 or Intel-3 processor at a minimum. For more computing-intensive tasks, a Ryzen-5 or Intel-5 will be more than capable.

The purpose of assembling a computer yourself is to keep up with the times as technology advances. That workstation will stay with you for years, so you’ll want to keep it as updated as possible.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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