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Video Slots: Variety or Numbers?

When you’re signing up for a new betting website, you might be blown away by the sheer number of games on offer. These days it’s not unusual to see casinos offering up thousands of games, from video slots to roulette. But are they really?


Because behind that huge number, you might find a surprisingly shallow offering. Spending a little time looking at your choices is a fantastic way of getting ahead of the game before you even spend a single penny. And that can make a huge difference.

That’s true for all types of games. It’s especially true for video slots.

What Are Video Slots?

Video slots are a digital version of one of the oldest kinds of mechanical gambling. The old fashioned fruit machine has been updated for the 21st century, and is now more advanced than its creators would have ever imagined. Websites like can give you a hint at the depth and breadth of what is offered on the market today. There is an endless amount of content.

That’s fantastic for casual fans and hardcore alike. You can play every day for the rest of your life and still find something new. Or you can find something great and stick with it.

The best thing about video slots is that once you know the rules, you can play anything. There are endless variations. There will always be something new. But it comes from one simple place.

You can play slots online, via your computer, or on your laptop or mobile phone. Wherever you end up playing, video slots are fun, easy to pick up, and have an endless amount of new versions to play. But when you’re choosing a video slots site, make sure you check exactly what you’re signing up for.

Variety or Numbers?

You used to be able to buy those 99-in-1 Gameboy games. On any slightly dodgy market, someone would offer up an endless treasure trove of entertainment, all on a single cartridge. But you got it home and would inevitably find that it’s more like five games repeated with slightly different rule-sets or colour schemes. It’s kind of the same with video slots websites.

Clever people will see this coming a mile away. If everything on the website is identical with just a slight change here and there, maybe there aren’t as many games on the website as they promised.

And that might not be a bad thing, by the way. If you’ve found your perfect game on a site you trust, why look any further?

Equally, if you’re after variety, pumped up numbers are a giant red flag. Luckily there are no shortage of other video slot websites that you can check out.

Ultimately you only need to find one selection of games that will make you happy. Do your research, spend some time reading reviews, and you will definitely find a site that works for you.

Putting in that initial effort will make your time spent gambling far more enjoyable.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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