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Nindies Showcase Video Presentation Next Week

We had a Switch Indie Highlight video this week from the UK. You may have thought, well, thats it for the Indies then. You would be wrong. Nintendo of America announced a Nindie Showcase video presentation for next week. Check out the announcement below and some thoughts from me.

On one hand, I think this Nindie showcase could be full of updates on previously announced games and new indie games for the Switch. On the other hand, we just got an Indie video from the UK this week. Could the showcase next week be pretty similar to the one we got this week?

A part of me actually thinks it would be funny if next weeks showcase was just a repeat of this weeks highlight video. Another part of me would be really disappointed.

Though I have to say, I am disappointed that we are getting another indie showcase. I wish we were getting a full Switch/3DS Nintendo Direct instead. Hopefully that’ll come soon.

What do you think the Nindie Showcase video will show next week? Is there any specific Indie game that you wish would come to Switch?



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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