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More Thoughts From Me #134: Words Will Hurt Them

What do you get when you combine a turn-based rpg with a word puzzle game? You get Letter Quest Remastered of course. The game is currently available on the Nintendo Switch and its on sale for $2.99 till August 30th! I picked it up on sale and now have some thoughts on it. Should you attack monsters with your words?


I like word puzzle games. That should be obvious if you ever read any of my Lightwood Games reviews. I’m also a big fan of rpgs, which should be obvious if you’ve ever read this column before. And so a game like Letter Quest Remastered, a turn-based rpg and a word puzzle game, should seem like no-brainer download right? Well, despite what would seem like a no-brainer, it took me forever to get around to playing this game. But now I finally have!

Letter Quest Remastered was on sale for $2.99. At that price, I couldn’t resist the game. I purchased it and…you know what, I should have gotten this game sooner! Its really good.

What makes Letter Quest Remastered so good? If you look at screenshots of the game, it looks good but it also looks like it might be too simplistic. Nothing could be further from the truth. Letter Quest is a turn-based rpg in which you use words to attack your enemy. Thats the basic concept but there is more to it than just that.

In this game, you create words to fight your enemy. The longer the words, the better. But also, each letter has a dot or dots on it. These dots are gold, silver, and bronze. The gold dots mean more powerful attacks, the silver less, and the bronze are the most basic, weak attacks. Depending on what letters you use and combine into a word, your attack will be stronger or weaker.

Then there are poison letters, which will hurt you if you use them, crystal letters that have powerful attacks or defensive features, and so on. There is a lot strategy in Letter Quest. I haven’t even mentioned yet how you can buy potions, books that make you stronger, and upgrade those books and your weapons too. Letter Quest Remastered has so much to it. The game is worth full price, but if you can get it on sale, then buy it as fast as you can!

I like Letter Quest Remastered a lot. The game isn’t easy, in fact it gets hard pretty fast, but it is fun and it is a very unique game. I highly recommend it, especially to rpg and word puzzle game fans.

Have you played Letter Quest? What do you think of it?

Next week: You have video game questions, I may have answers! Its that time again: I ask people on twitter if they have video game related questions and then I try to provide answers here. See ya next week!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinon column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Letters will save you.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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