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Darkseid Invades Lego DC Super Villains This October

In the newest Lego DC Super Villains trailer, Darkseid and his home Apokolips, two Jack Kirby creations, show up to wreck (improve?) everyone’s day! Check out the trailer and then some thoughts from me.

Its hard for me to explain how excited I am for Lego DC Super Villains. Even more so, I’m excited for the appearance of Darkseid and Apokolips in the game.

Jack Kirby is one of the greatest comic book creators ever. Jack and Stan Lee created most of the Marvel universe and Jack himself created tons of other characters, including DC’s Darkseid and the New Gods. I absolutely love the short run of the original New Gods comic that he did. Its going to be so amazing to see that villain and his world brought to Lego life!

The newest trailer for Lego DC Super Villains has Darkseid and teases Apokolips. We see it in the sky and hints of the actual planet. I also hope that we get to see some of the New Gods. Yes, I know its the villains game but it would be wonderful to see Orion and some of his people even in a cameo.

Lego DC Super Villains arrives on October 16, 2018.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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