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What Is The Best Website To View Apex Legends Stats?

Being a battle royale, Apex Legends implies a high level of competition. And wherever there is a high competition, there is a need to track how well you are doing compared to other players.


In this article, we will tell you about the best tool for monitoring your progress, but let’s start with defining why you need to keep an eye on your statistics.

Why Would You Want To Track Your In-Game Stats?

So, you are already playing Apex Legends and have reached a certain skill level, now what? What is your next step to bring your game to a new level? Is there a way to increase your chances of success? If any of these questions are crossing your mind, you have come to the right place because that’s when tracking stats come in handy!

Just like in any shooter, the success in Apex Legends depends on your ability to build up a strategy and constantly enhance your skills. And what do you need for this? The answer is simple – to improve the way you play, you need to know what strengths and weaknesses you have at this moment. In this case, game statistics will give you several benefits:

  • You will learn how many kills you score on average in each match. This information will tell you whether you should focus more on getting into gunfights.
  • You will define your weak points. When it comes to playing through the server, the game usually flows quite fast, so it is natural that you might miss out on some important tendencies – maybe you have hard times with scoring head shots or you choose the wrong spots for looting. Stats tracking will point out to these tendencies, which will give you a chance to avoid your most common mistakes.
  • You will see which skills you still need to master. Stats will show you which Legends and weapons you are good with. Thus, you will know which skills still require some practice.

How To Track Your Stats?

Unfortunately, this feature in Apex Legends is quite limited. That is one of a few drawbacks of this battle royale. However, don’t get disappointed yet! There are some effective external tools that will work well for this purpose and ApexStat Win Tracker  is the best one of them!


ApexStat is a smart tool for every player. On this website, you can find many helpful game guides and tips that will enhance your chances of a win. In addition, there are reviews on each Legend and weapon that will give you a general idea of what Apex Legends has to offer.

Finally, the website features a smart stats tracking solution. With its help, you will be able to see what progress you make in the game and define what still needs to be improved. Besides, there are cool leader boards of top players that will add additional competition!


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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