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Roll the Dice With Lost in Random

I remember seeing the preview for Lost in Random when it was first announced. I thought it looked neat. Of course, I didn’t have an Xbox system then, so I quickly forgot about it. Fast forward to now. I have an Xbox Series S and gamepass. And there’s Lost in Random. It looks neat. It’s a game by Zoink! They are a developer I like a lot. So of course I’m going to roll the dice and play Lost in Random.


Lost in Random is developed by Zoink! And published by EA. Its one of the many games on gamepass and you should not over look it. Let me tell you about Lost in Random and why its such a cool game.

In the Kingdom of Random, dice rules all actions. At an early age, the queen asks everyone to roll the dice. The number they get will determine their fate. Getting a one isn’t so great, you end up living in the slums, rolling a six lands you in the queens palace. Even and her sister Odd find out whats its like when one sister gets a six and the other gets left behind. Even is the sister remaining at home and she misses her sister. So she decides to go looking for her.

Even’s quest starts out with her armed with only a slingshot. Along her journey she meets a living dice who teams up with her! Use your handy slingshot to get glowing dice from enemies to powerup your living dice. Once its powered up some, you can throw the dice and pick what card you want to use. Each card has a different ability: some let you use a sword or a bow, heal, and more. You’ll find more cards as you defeat enemies.

I’ve found several cards so far and I keep earning money too, which says I can use it at a card shop. I haven’t found the shop yet. I have battled some different creatures and one harder than usual creature that had to be a boss. The combat in Lost in Random is pretty good, though the game’s camera can sometimes be bothersome. The targeting option helps a little. The game’s environments are a real treat to explore!

Lost in Random has a really neat story and its graphics look like a Tim Burton movie. The whole experience is fantastic. I can’t wait to play more of this game!

Have you played Lost in Random? What do you think of it?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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