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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Wonderful Nintendo Direct

Nintendo just had a Direct today and…oh my god. Wow. It was amazing. Nintendo went big time with this one. Let’s talk about it!

Nintendo Direct today was…just amazing.

It started off with the upcoming Pokémon Violet/Scarlet DLC, which looked really good but it made you wonder (haha) if they would have anything other than DLC to show. Boy did they ever.

Nintendo went on to show a Super Mario RPG remake, hint at a new Princess Peach 2D game, a Lugi’s Mansion 3DS port, and tons of games coming from third party developers like a new Dragon Quest Monsters, Metal Gear Solid Collection, and lots more.

Of course, the most stunning game of the Direct wasn’t even Super Mario RPG. Which, yes, I need that in my life but Super Mario Wonder was a completely amazing game. It looked like so much fun. There definitely was a bit of New Super Mario Bros in its DNA but the new Wonder elements: Mario turning into an elephant and so much more craziness looked fantastic.

And can I back up for a second? Metal Gear Solid is one of my favorite franchises and I’m so very happy that the first three games are coming to Switch. I love Metal Gear Solid 2 and will be playing the first! Not only that though, the collection has the NES Metal Gear games and tons of extras! I need that collection now.


I’m also so excited about the new Dragon Quest Monsters game, which looked like a lot of fun.

Oh! Square Enix also showed a fantastic Star Ocean remake too.

There were also some smaller games like Fae Farm and Mythforce that have my attention too. And we should not forget to mention Persona 5 Tactica. We had seen it before, but this look at it definitely convinced me I need it in my life.

So many games were shown. Heck, even Pikmin 4 looked incredible. I can’t wait to play that demo later this month! And the first two Pikmin are coming to the Switch TODAY! Wow.

Overall, it was an excellent Direct. Yes we didn’t see Metroid Prime 4. We didn’t see Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D or Final Fantasy Tactics either. Animal Crossing was always a long shot. Oh and Wario Ware Move It. Um. I love Wario Ware but…no thanks. But what we did see, overall, was just so good! I’m just flat out excited. Thank you Nintendo.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I need all of these games now!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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