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More Thoughts From Me #174: Preview of the Fallout

I’m a huge fan of Fallout 3. I never have played Fallout 4 but it looks really good. And I admit it: I’ve been wanting to play Fallout 76 for awhile now. So when a free demo week was revealed, I was excited. Finally I’d get to check out Fallout 76 on the PlayStation 4! Now that I’ve checked it out, what do I think of it?


The Fallout 76 demo week impressed me right away with its very detailed graphics. I was amazed by its character creator and then by how cool Vault 76 looked. I couldn’t wait to get outside and…

I got to the Vault door and I was hit with a load time and then…the game disconnected from Fallout 76’s server. When I went back to it and I had to all start over. I had to build my character again. This time, I just did a quick character and got on with it. I collected some extra things as I headed out the Vault door. This time, I made it outside (after a bit of a load time).

I was unhappy that I couldn’t use the first character I created. Not only that, but during load times, Fallout 76 continued to show the character I created!!! Why couldn’t I use that character in game??

Anyway, I went out into Fallout 76’s world. I was again impressed by how amazing the game looked. I thought that each building looking interesting and was full of cool things to collect. It was also frightening and neat how you run into a lot of robots, zombies, and other things that want to kill you. The world of Fallout 76 is so dangerous.

I did eventually run into some real people but they left me alone thankfully.

My first day playing Fallout 76 was a mixed bag. I was unhappy with my character and I found the game to be a bit hard. I did, however, enjoy 76’s exploration.

It was a couple of days before I played the game again. I only played it a little bit. Then it was a couple of more days before I played Fallout 76 after that.

I finally tried Fallout 76’s new Battle Royale mode. I wasn’t impressed. It just didn’t feel like Fallout nor did it feel like Fortnite.

But on that same day, my last day of playing Fallout 76, I found a bit more enjoyment with the game’s Adventure mode. I wandered around a lot more and I found a good radio station (in the game) to listen to. I enjoyed hearing West Virgina, Sixteen Tons, and the song about the gun not being loaded. The game was still pretty hard at times. Why can’t the evil robots just leave me alone? But I felt like Adventure Mode was a nice Fallout experiance.

I never did try Survival mode. I figured I just wouldn’t survive long…

Overall, Fallout 76 is not a bad game. I wouldn’t say its as fun as Fallout 3, but it was definitely better than New Vegas.

I doubt I would buy Fallout 76 unless it was on sale for 9.99 or less. I just can’t see paying more than that for it. Though, if it went free-to-play like one recent rumor suggested, I would 100% download the game and play it.

Fallout 76 isn’t the best Fallout experiance but I don’t think it was the worst either. I’m glad I played it during the demo week!

Have you tried Fallout 76 out? What do you think of the game?

Next week: I’ll talk about one of my favorite smaller games shown at E3 2019: New Super Lucky’s Tale. This game was orignally on the Xbox One and its coming to the Switch soon. What makes New Super Lucky’s Tale so interesting? We’ll talk about that next week. See ya then.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I wish this game or one of the other Fallouts were on the Nintendo Switch!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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