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More Thoughts From Me #123: What Will Third Parties Do At E3?

I gave you my predications of what Xbox, Sony, and Nintendo would do at E3. We’ll see soon if I was right about anything. But I do have some more predications for you! In today’s More Thoughts, I’ll try to guess what third party publishers will do at E3. Will I get any of these right?


What will third party publishers do at E3 2018? Here are my predications:

Square Enix: Kingdom Hearts 3 will be shown again by Square and we may even find out when the game is coming out! Who knows. I also believe that Square Enix will show off the Final Fantasy 7 remake again. And I think we’ll see the publisher showing off a few Nintendo Switch titles. Or at least I should say I hope so.

My guess: Octopath Traveler is obvious, but would you like Final Fantasy Collection 1 and 2 for Switch? I know I’d love to see it. I think it might happen since there is going to be no Virtual console on Switch. I’d love to believe that the collections would be FF1-6 for collection 1 and collection 2 would be FF7-9 but I think its more likely to be collection 1: FF1-3 and collection 2: FF-4-6. ugh.

Bethesda: We already know that Fallout 76 will be shown off at E3 and that Rage probably will be too. But what else is Bethesda up too? I think we’ll get a new Elder Scrolls announcement for everything but the Switch. I don’t think Bethesda will abandon the Switch though. Wolfenstein 2 will be at E3 I’m sure. Also I think a previous Fallout, either 3 or 4, will make its way to the Swich. And some other previous Bethesda title will get a Switch port too.

EA: Some new EA sports games will be announced at E3. Cool Star Wars games too. The only thing that will be shown for Switch: another FIFA game. EA will continue to ignore the Switch for the most part…

Ubisoft: Another Assassins Creed title wil be announced for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Ubisoft will have a new Just Dance, which will be coming to everything including the Switch. And Beyond Good and Evil 2 will finally get a system announcement and it will be coming to everything expect the Switch. Ubisoft won’t announce Mario + Rabbids 2 for Switch, though they will have at least one surprise Switch game: Luigi Creed. Ya, I’m joking. But I do think we’ll see something Switch related from Ubi other than Just Dance. Well, ok, I’m just hoping we will.

Capcom: Resident Evil 2 remake will get announced as a Nintendo Switch exclusive. Capcom will also reveal that Resident Evil 7 is coming to the Switch via Cloud this summer to North America. Mega Man 11 will be shown off more. And Capcom will have some more surprises for the Switch and other systems too.

Konami: We haven’t seen much from Konami for awhile. This is going to be my most radical predictation (and most likely won’t come true!). Konami is going to go all out for the Nintendo Switch. We’ll see a remake of Metal Gear Solid 2 coming exclusively to the Switch! And a new Castlevania will make an appearance too. I also think a Castlevania 2D collection (or two) might happen. Yeah I know I’m insane. Get over it.

Disney: Other than Kingdom Hearts 2, I think we might see another Disney game or two at E3. Maybe if we’ll very lucky that Disney Afternoon Collection will finally make its way to the Nintendo Switch. Most of those games were on Nintendo systems in the first place afterall. And I don’t know. Maybe we’ll get a Kingdom Hearts 1 + 2 collection announcement for the Switch! I’d love to predict an Epic Mickey Switch game too, but I know theres no way at all that would ever happen.

Other developers: Fortnite for Switch is happening. Overwatch for Switch, not so much. Other developers may avoid the Switch but there will be plenty of surprises at E3 for that system and all the others.

Yes, I did focus on the Nintendo Switch a lot for these predictations! Hey its my favorite system.

This Sunday: I may or may not do a special More Thoughts at Sony’s pre-E3 reveals. It depends on how good they are! I could just wait to talk about them later. I will have a special More Thoughts From Me about Xbox’s E3 after the presentation is over for sure!

Next week: No regular More Thoughts From Me at all…because I’ll be way too busy writing a special Sony More Thoughts on Monday, a Nintendo one on Tuesday, and possibly one or two more throughout the week. Its going to be a very busy E3!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Is it E3 time yet?! I can’t wait!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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