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Ever Oasis

Nintendo showed off Ever Oasis for the 3DS today. What did they show? We’ll tell you about that. Plus, you should check out the new E3 2017 trailer for the game!

Ever Oasis for the 3DS is coming out on June 23, 2017! That’s next week! The Nintendo Treehouse showed off new footage of the game today.

The Oasis was shown off again but, more importantly, we were shown a new gameplay feature!

In Ever Oasis, you can create random dungeons by using special tiles in stone tablets. These tiles will give you different types of dungeons depending on what type of tiles you use! For instance, if you use just gold tiles you will get a hard dungeon.

The random dungeons will hold enemies, puzzles, and unique treasures that you’ll find nowhere else. That last part is the reason that you’ll want to visit these dungeons! Who knows what you’ll find in these dungeons?!

Ever Oasis is looking like a great game. Adam Roffel will be reviewing the game for A demo of the game is now available on the 3DS eshop!

Here is the demonstration of Ever Oasis from the Treehouse today:

I will have my impressions of the Ever Oasis demo today.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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