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Dragon Quest XI Will Get A Nintendo Direct in Japan This Week

At E3 last week, it wasn’t surprising that Dragon Quest XI was not announced for North America. Disappointing, sure, but definitely not surprising. Dragon Quest XI come out next month in Japan and so that means we probably won’t see the game here for two to three more years. It takes forever to get Dragon Quest games to the West. However, if you are interested in this new Dragon Quest game anyway, you may want to check out its Japanese Nintendo Direct this week!


There will be a Japanese Nintendo Direct on June 21st for Dragon Quest XI. The game is coming out in Japan on July 29th for the 3DS and PS4. The Direct will focus on 3DS details. There will be a Nintendo Switch version of the game at a later date.

When will the game come to the west? You’re guess is as good as mine. It took a long while for the remakes of Dragon Quest 7 and 8 to come to North America and Europe. It could take just as long for the new game to come here. Thankfully, Nintendo has said that there will games coming to the 3DS in 2018 and beyond! So I guess we can look forward to beyond…

Will you watch the Japanese Dragon Quest XI Nintendo Direct?

Source: Nintendo Wire


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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