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The Best 4 Baccarat Strategies for Live and Online Baccarat

Baccarat is the most popular betting game played live and online.  Most Baccarat players use a strategy of some sort in play, with some methods more successful than others. Here we look at the top four baccarat strategies.

Before you start  

You want to find the best online casino on which to use your best baccarat strategies. Research reviews by industry experts of live Baccarat online to check that sites are licensed and regulated. Also, check player feedback on forums so that you know that basic security, software, customer support is good and the site is safe, fun and fair.


Also, check the odds of the game. Even if you know the usual odds, verify the information on the online casino site as whilst the normal commission on the Banker hand is five per cent, some casinos are known to charge much more.

Strategy 1: Take one side

Bet on just the Banker hand or Player hand. At some point, the Player and Banker hands will gain an advantage.  Whilst the Banker hand has a slight edge over the Player hand, this edge is reduced by a five per cent commission fee, so you may choose to always bet on the Player. When the outcomes go against the Player hand stop playing until the hand starts to win again.

Strategy 2: Trend switch 

Follow the trend of the cards. This means when you have lost twice on a Banker hand, for example, you stop and instead of waiting for the trend to restart like in the strategy already mentioned, you simply switch to the Player hand. You can profit from both trends whilst remaining in control.

Strategy 3: Ignore tie bet offers

As a baccarat player, you are offered the chance to bet that the Banker hand and Player hand will tile. This bet pays out at 8:1, which means a $100 bet could win $800. This sounds tempting, but the bet has a house edge of at least 9.5 per cent, which is one of the highest baccaratufa casino game house edges. This is why it should be part of your strategy not to place bets on a tie.


Strategy 4: Play short sessions

No punter is able to beat the house edge all the time since no betting strategy exists to do so. Calculate how much you would like to win and as soon as you reach this target, walk away from the game.  Also, set the limit to the maximum you are prepared to lose in playing baccarat.  When you reach this stop loss limit, walk away from the table and come back another day.


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