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Snake?! You’re A Bomberman: A Look At Super Bomberman R Online for the Switch

Naked Snake is a Bomberman! So is Simon Belmont, Old Man Snake, and few other familiar Konami characters. Super Bomberman R Online is the latest in the Bomberman franchise. It is a free-to-play game, available on the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Stadia, and PC. And it has cross-play so you can play with people across these systems! I checked the game out on the Nintendo Switch and here are my thoughts. Yes Naked Snake is totally my character.


Super Bomberman R Online came out for the Nintendo Switch (and other systems) this week. It is a free-to-play online game that supports 64 players at once. You can play a quick match or find/start a private room with your friends. The game has cross-play with Stadia, PC, Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Switch.

Right away, I loved the game’s graphics and I especially loved how it used classic Konami characters as Bombers! Thankfully Naked Snake is a free character and since I’m a huge Metal Gear Solid fan, I couldn’t resist using that character for the most part. I wish I could use some of the others, like Simon Belmont (there is a battle pass that unlocks more stuff that you can buy), but thats okay. Snake?!

As for the gameplay, its the classic Bomberman: plant a bomb in front of a block, run away, try to bomb the other bombers, and survive as long as you can. Its now a fully online experience and I tried it out!

I started with a quick match and then Jon Scarr, Gaming editor at Best Buy Canada and youtuber, invited me to play a couple of matches with him. He was playing the game on Stadia and I was playing on the Nintendo Switch. And it worked great! We had no disconnections or lag time. The cross-play was seamless and fun. I even won a match!

The only thing negative thing I can say so far about Super Bomberman R is that the load times are not good. This game loads up a match really slowly. Patience grasshopper. However once you get into the match(s), the gameplay works well across platforms. I’m sure it might also depend on how good your internet is. Everything worked well for us.

Jon also invited me to join his get together Super Bomberman R stream last night! We played with a bunch other people! I played for about an hour. You can check out Jon’s stream here. The character named Dan is me. I played as Naked Snake for the most part. It was a ton of fun.


Overall, I like Super Bomberman R a lot. And I’m not a fan of the old Bomberman. I tried it out, didn’t see the fuss and moved on. This new one, however, has my attention. I’m looking forward to playing more of it!

What do you think of Super Bomberman R Online? Have you tried it? Are you addicted yet?!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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