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Brand New Playstation Showcase Airs Next Wednesday (5/24)

Playstation hold a Showcase next Wednesday, May 24, 2023. We have the details so far for it below.

There will be a Playstation Showcase next Wednesday, May 24 at 3:00pm central. It will be over an hour and focus on PS5 and PS VR 2 games. According to Sony, we’ll see new creations from Playstation Studios and games from third-party developers and indies too.

It doesn’t sound like we’ll hear about previously known Playstation games, but we wouldn’t be too surprised to see Spider-man 2 at least. What third party games would we see? Final Fantasy 16 seems like a given. Maybe its time to finally see Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth too? It would be great if Square Enix was involved in this this Showcase. What indies we’ll see is anyone’s guess!

No matter what’s shown though, this should be a pretty big deal. Sony is not calling this a “State of Play”. They are calling it a “Showcase”. It seems like this is what we would’ve seen if Sony was still part of E3. Well…if there even was an E3 anymore…

What do you think Playstation will show off during this Showcase?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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