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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Nintendo Hits Us With A Cool Direct

Yesterday, there was a Nintendo Direct. The Direct covered both 3DS and Nintendo Switch titles. What did I think of the titles shown? Let’s find out!


Nintendo Direct had a new format yesterday. We should talk about that first. The new list style format for Nintendo Direct worked well and had things going at a fast pace. It wasn’t too fast though. This format was definitely interesting. That said, I hope Nintendo doesn’t do this all the time. I can see this format getting boring after awhile. And while I liked the new host for Nintendo Direct, I really missed Reggie and Bill.

As for the actual content of the Direct, there were a lot of games shown. I think we should talk about the Nintendo Switch next.

I wasn’t really that impressed with the Nintendo Switch content shown. Sure, Splatoon 2 looks great and I think the new mode looks awesome. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe looks good too. There were a few other games, such as Battle Crashers, that got my attention too.  That said, there was nothing, not even Splatoon 2, that made me want to rush out and buy a Switch. I suppose Nintendo is keeping all their really big games, such as Mario Odyssey for E3. I’m not saying this was a bad Direct for the Switch, but I do think it could have been even better.

The 3DS, on the other hand, had a really impressive line-up. Almost every 3DS game shown was something that I was interesting in. I was especially happy that Miitopia is finally coming west. I never thought that game would make it over here! I was also happy that Ever Oasis (I WANT IT) and Pikmin got launch dates too. The Kirby content (free game and more), Monster Hunter Stories, and RPG Maker FES were other games that had my jaw on the floor. Overall, I thought the 3DS was mighty and the Switch was ok-to-good. Together though, they created a cool Nintendo Direct. There was something there for everyone! Oh and hey, what about those amiibo?!

A Cloud amiibo will be out this summer! I really want that for my birthday! I was also happy to see that there will be more Zelda amiibo, a Pikmin amiibo, and more Splatoon amiibo. I hope Nintendo never stops making these figures!

I thought yesterday’s Nintendo Direct was excellent. Nintendo had a lot of games to show off. Hopefully, they’ll have even more to show at E3!

What did you think of yesterday’s Nintendo Direct? Did you have a favorite game?!

Next week: Half-Life!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. The game I want the most from the Direct is Ever Oasis!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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