The Art of Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock Infinite is quickly becoming one of the top rated games this generation and, more, taking its place amongst the Final Fantasy 7s and Ocarina of Times that make up the best games ever. A huge part of that is thanks to its emphasis on the world the player inhabits. Columbia is a meticulously built paradise in the sky, a paradise that it’s impossible not to want to explore.
The Art of Bioshock Infinite, from Dark Horse and Irrational, takes fans who want to delve deeper into the characters, locations, enemies and weapons of Bioshock Infinite on a trip the development process of a modern classic.
The Art of Bioshock Infinite
The Art of Bioshock Infinite is a real collector’s item. It takes you on a journey from the very early days of Bioshock Infinite – when its dark streets and neon lights weren’t a million miles away from the iconic sea city of Rapture – through the ideas that could have been and shows the thought process between the ideas that did make it into the finished title.

The artwork itself is, of course, absolutely stunning. The people who worked on this concept art are at the very peak of their professional prowess and it shows. They’re the sort of images you want to stick on your wall, the sort of pictures so stunning that they deserve their place in art galleries. The detail is stunning and the development of Columbia, as you go from page to page, seems so natural. It’s obvious that the artists looked to great American institutions for influence, and the mark of Disney is impossible not to see.
You’ll also get to take a closer look at things that perhaps are only meant as background in the game itself. Whether it’s signs above shop windows or propaganda posters, there will be something in this book you haven’t seen before.
The occasional description is enough to fill you in on the ideas behind certain designs, or why other things were eventually dropped, the text takes a back seat to the glorious imagery, and that’s the way it should be.
While the fairly steep price of $40 will be enough to price out casual fans or those with only a passing interest in the development of Infinite, as a gift for an avid Bioshock player, this cannot be beaten. An absolute treat and completely worthy of the game it accompanies.
Grade 9.5/10