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Most Popular Games Of The Past Year

Over the past year, many of us have resulted in using the gaming world as our main format of entertainment, mainly due to the fact that we have all been forced to stay at home to combat the spread of the global pandemic caused by Covid-19.

Another form of entertainment which has benefited due to the pandemic has been these USA online casinos as they offer not just a form of entertainment from the comfort of your own home, but also the opportunity to turn a big profit.  Due to this, game developers noticed this, and we were therefore treated with some of the best games over the past year for us to keep entertained during this period and so we thought we’d look at some of the most popular games of the past year.

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One of the games that quickly became big business over the past year has been that of Among Us, with many of us become accustom to seeing it littered on our favorite YouTube channels including the Sidemen who certainly started the Among Us craze.

This game seeing the ‘Crewmates’ work as a team and are assigned to complete mini-game style objectives to repair the ship that they find themselves on whilst the ‘Imposter’ sets out to quietly, without being noticed, to sabotage their mission with the Crewmates realizing who it is. This game has been a great game to play against your friends to see who the best Imposter is out of your friend group.


Another game that was released back in March was Call of Duty: Warzone and has quickly become one of the most popular games on the market still to this day 12 months on. Warzone took inspiration from Fortnite as they offered a free-to-play game in a battle royale mode where the last one standing won the game.

Many have attempted to copy the idea of Fortnite which was released back in 2017 but the Warzone systems, strategies and just how well the game plays have ensured that it is one of the most popular games of the past year.

And finally, Fall Guys has also proved to be one of the most popular games of the past year and can also say that it comes from a battle royale background where it is the last man standing to claim victory.

Fall Guys is a multiplayer mayhem where you would fight amongst other gamers online to complete assault courses to get through to the next round. Fall Guys was the talk of the industry for a couple months and that’s why it’s made it onto our list of most popular games.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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