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6 Game Ideas for Your Child’s Next Birthday Party

There are many ways to celebrate your child’s birthday. These ideas can be exciting on every level and can offer new experiences for all to enjoy but seeing that we’re in the new millennium, when someone mentions “games”, we sometimes immediately think about video games.

However, analog or non electronic games are still super fun and could be a great way to introduce your child to a new (i.e. old) type of game that they may actually enjoy and find interesting. Furthermore, they usually allow the inclusion of more people, particularly when everyone is physically in the same place – such as at a birthday party.

The following are just a few awesome but simple non electronic group games that can be played at your child’s next birthday party.

1. Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt is one of the most classic game ideas. It offers puzzles and clues that are found around the house or venue until you reach the final destination. Individuals of all ages can enjoy a classic treasure hunt with a worthy prize at the end.


Treasure hunts are great in that they can be themed according to the party as well. If you are having a beach themed party, for example, you could have a classic pirate treasure hunt. Consider the prize to be a gift certificate, cash or a door prize of some sort.

2. Charades

Charades is another classic party game that will have all of the guests, no matter their ages, bursting out in laughter due to pure enjoyment. Charades is played by the guests splitting into teams and having each team try to guess what one member is acting out. Be careful though as no clues are able to be given verbally.

Charades is another great example of a game that can go along with the theme of your party as well. Only have cue cards that have to do with the theme. The winning team can even win prizes if you want.

3. DIY or Printable Escape Room

Escape rooms are becoming more and more popular. You can even bring an escape room to your child’s next birthday utilizing DIY and printable options. You simply utilize any household objects that the instructions may contain, the clues and setup instructions contained and any other details that are available such as soundtracks or online components.


DIY escape rooms come with a story as well. There are many stories available to bring the theme of your party to life through this fun, new type of game. Children and adults alike will enjoy trying to solve the clues to the printable escape room.

4. Olympics

If your child enjoys sports and competition, an Olympics themed set of games would be great for his or her next birthday party. You can keep up this Olympic and sports theme for the entire party as well. This means that you could use decor and food that represents this great theme.

For the games related to the Olympics theme, offer varieties that everyone can participate in. You can have tug-of-wars, three-legged races and other events. Split the guests into teams so you have a winning team at the end of the party.

5. Obstacle Course

An obstacle course is a great game for your child’s next birthday party if he or she is on the go. This will keep the tiny guests entertained. You can use common household materials to develop obstacles for the guests to try to defeat as well.

Obstacle courses can be set up indoors or outdoors. This would be a better option for a party that is hosted at your home so you do not have to bother the venue with set-up. Be sure to make it challenging enough to keep everyone excited about it; one suggestion is to create teams, have identical obstacle courses and implement puzzles at certain points to challenge the players.


You could even have a time challenge and the person with the best time wins.

6. Capture the Flag

Capture the flag is a great event that is classic for an outdoor party. This game is great for older children as they can really grasp the strategies that go along with the game. The game is played by having two teams made up where each is strategically trying to bring the other team’s flag to their side first.

This game has a great variation to play in the dark if your party is at night. The game becomes much harder for older children. Any object can be utilized as the flag when playing this game, so long as it is able to be grabbed.

Final Thoughts

Keeping a child’s birthday party entertaining and exciting in many parts, involves the game. It is important to have new and exciting game ideas available that allow a large number of guests to participate and that is exactly what these 6 games allow you to do.

Bring the magic of any of these fun games to your child’s next birthday party to allow your child the opportunity to have the best party out of his friends. Do you remember how many cool points a kid with an awesome birthday party could generate??


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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