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Eastward Octopia DLC Available Now

Eastward’s new DLC, Octopia, is now available. Check out the launch trailer below along with our thoughts on the new DLC.

The Eastward DLC, Octopia, is available now!

In Eastward, the two main characters must fight and solve puzzles in order to survive the game’s story. The new DLC is totally different though. In Octopia, the two characters will move to a new town where they’ll farm, fish, tend animals, and restore the stores and homes of the town. The main game is an action/adventure game and Octopia is a simulation game.

I love Eastward and think its a great game. That said, I’m a huge fan of simulation games and so I’m super excited about the new sim DLC. It looks very cool. Eastward already had a slight Stardew Valley vibe and this DLC has that even more so. Still, the game is definitely set in an Eastward like universe because the animals you farm are like the animals found in the main game. Oh and you can also talk to ghosts in the DLC!

The Octopia DLC looks amazing. I can’t wait to farm, fish, and explore this new DLC. Hopefully its not a super short experience.

You can check the DLC out now on PC and Nintendo Switch. Its also currently on sale for 15% off. Will you be checking out the Eastward DLC?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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