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Heavy Fire Shattered Spear Review

Heavy Fire Shattered Spear's biggest mistake is that it looks and feels too much like a Call of Duty game. Sure, the graphics aren't great, the voice acting is like something out of a bad YouTube video and the gameplay, nothing like Activision's behemoth franchise, leaves a lot to be desired. All of that just makes Heavy Fire an average, generic title most people will overlook. That it looks so much like Call of Duty - with its setpieces and "foreign looking" enemies - is its biggest mistake because it made people take notice. It meant Heavy Fire had built ...

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System Shock 2 Review

After the success of the Bioshock franchise, many have tried to look back at other games involving creator and lead writer Ken Levine. Most roads lead back to System Shock 2, a game that was obviously a deep influence for the team’s later work on Bioshock. For the first time, System Shock 2 has been made available on Steam, a chance for gamers to look back at an important part of gaming history. Despite a few crow's feet, it has managed to age very well.

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Disney Infinity Review

Like everyone, I looked at Disney Infinity when it was announced and saw only a money grabbing rip-off of Activision's popular Skylanders series. ANOTHER game where I have to buy overpriced toys to unlock some on-disc DLC? Ridiculous.

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The Wonderful 101 Review

The Wonderful 101 is what happens when you take Nintendo's charm and core-appeal and stuff it into a Saturday morning cartoon format. This is a world where heroes scream the name of their power before using it, in which every ability is mercilessly explained in detail, in which you're the hero and in which you'll die. A lot.

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Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth Review

Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth was a Kinect game originally, and was ported to the Wii U along with an alternative control scheme in the hopes of entertaining a new market. It's actually a really difficult game to review, because although what's there is, by and large, pretty decent stuff, it amazes me that there's enough content here to even fill the blurb on the back of the box.

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Batman Arkham City Armored Edition

When the Wii U was released, it brought with it a handful of ports and "enhanced" editions, partly because they were awesome games and partly because Nintendo wanted to prove that the Wii U was just as capable of playing "grown up" games as any of the other consoles. That they didn't need to worry about proving themselves in that way, and that many of the quickly-rushed ports actually seemed to prove the opposite probably didn't come into it.

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Saints Row IV Review

The Saints Row series started out as a free-roaming criminal rampage game that was very close to Grand Theft Auto, but by the time Saints Row The Third showed up the developers had pretty much abandoned the idea of edgy crime drama and made a game where gamers could drive around on the Light Cycle from Tron, shooting people with a Shark Gun while their pal Burt Reynolds helped them beat up zombies.

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Transformers Prime The Game

Transformers: Prime is a successful animated series that, this year, will be seeing its first TV movie. Built around a small group of kids and their relationship with the Autobots, Transformers: Prime - The Game is the first video game based around this specific area of the IP.

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Splatter Review

These days, it seems like everyone is trying to breathe new life into the zombie genre. Most developers are looking for the angle that nobody has done before, trying to make zombies terrifying all over again and forcing people to sneak around in the darkness lest they find their tender brains being chewed. What happened to all the fun we used to have with zombies, where we were the ones with all the power and they were just rotten targets, ripe for the shooting? Splatter brings it all back.

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Strangers Wrath HD Review

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee was a PlayStation staple. Along with Rayman, I'm not sure there was a single person I knew that didn't have that iconic green sewn-up mouth grinning within their PS1 collection. When the Oddworld series jumped to the Xbox, abandoning not only much of the userbase but also, in a small way at first, Abe himself. Stranger's Wrath ended up under-performing and would have been lost to time if not for Just Add Water and their release of Stranger's Wrath HD.

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