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Mythwind Unboxing and Components Review

Mythwind is doing something brand new in board gaming – many folks have asked me to recommend a game like Mythwind so they can get an idea of what to expect. Honestly, I’m not sure I can, because in the board game space, Mythwind stands on its own!


The best comparison I can give you is that this is something like a Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons, or perhaps a Stardew Valley. It’s relaxing. It’s cozy. There is no major stress in what you do or how you do it. In a game like this, I think the components matter a lot more than it does in regular, win-condition board games. Let’s take a look.

Overwhelming Out of the Box

Listen, I can tell you right away that if you are unboxing the main core box, plus the Expanded Horizon’s expansion, plus the Winds of Magic expansion, plus all the extras, there is a chance you are going to feel a bit overwhelmed. I’ll tell you right now – I was. There is a lot to put away when you first unbox your game, and that’s even true if you only have the core box to deal with. Although spots are not really labeled for you, using pictures included in the manual, and a bit of common sense, you can quickly put pieces away where they belong.


Amazing Trays

I have said it before and I will say it again, games with good inserts and trays are worth an extra 10 – 20 dollars in my opinion. Mythwind NEEDS to have a good tray system since you can “save” your game and come back to it whenever you want, and they delivered. The trays for all the included characters are top notch, and while I think more space would have been nice to store all the components right off the bat, once you start moving things around and adding to your various boards, the pieces are a bit more spread out and manageable.

The insert in the bottom of the core box and in the Expanded Horizon box are phenomenal as well, with great places to store cards, tokens, figures, and more. Again, nothing here is specifically labled, but I was able to put all the additional content, along with the stuff in the main box, into the core box and Expanded Horizon’s box, sorted. That means I have all my Event Cards in one spot, all my Adventure Cards in one spot, all my Goal Cards in one spot, etc. There is plenty of room to put the various decks, and my complaint about space quickly went away.

Best Miniatures I’ve Ever Seen? 

Mythwind includes miniatures in the box for the characters you are going to play, and while they aren’t really necessary – a round disc with the characters face would have worked – table presence for this game is VERY important, so it’s good to see that no matter which version of the game you buy, you are getting miniatures. I bought the Mythdrop version of Mythwind, which meant my characters had a wash done on them to highlight some of the detail.

And highlight the detail it does – these are the best miniatures I’ve ever seen in a board game, and let’s not forget how much I loved the monsters in Monster Hunter World when I unboxed that! These have so much detail, and you could look at them for a long time and still see different pieces being highlighted.


The farmer is holding a pair of gloves in his one hand, the crafter has a backpack full of odds and ends, and so on. These are phenomenal, and they give your game a fantastic table presence. If you are playing this in a public space, people are going to stop and look for these alone. Top notch, Open Owl Studios, top notch!

Unfortunately, I was not able to procure a Winds of Magic miniatures expansion with Mythdrop, and after seeing the core figures, I really wish I had!

Is It Going to be Fiddly?

One little complaint I’ve seen so far online is that some of the pieces and trays become a bit fiddly the more you play. Honestly, I could see this being an issue, especially for people with chubby little fingers like myself! I’m hopeful that the gameplay will overshadow any minor annoyances like this, but until I try this out for myself, I cannot really speak to that.

Still, the majority of the pieces included in the box are nice thick cardboard. While the cards could have been a bit better, a recent interview with a board game designer enlightened me to the fact that the most expensive upgrade for a board game is the cards. And with how many cards there are in the box, I could see that getting incomprehensible expensive, which would need to be passed onto the consumer, which would price the game out of most people’s comfort zone. The cards are not bad, by the way, and honestly…why am I mentioning them?

Final Goodies

I also purchased the metal coins, and these might be some of the best metal coins I’ve seen in the board game space. They come in 1, 5, and 10 denominations, and I could see myself using these coins in my other games. I might need to get a second set!


The neoprene mat is also nice – my sole purpose for getting the mat was so I could make the mat in focus for my camera, so I never needed to worry about people seeing what I’m doing during livestreams and video creation. Since getting it, I’ve used it as a spot to set up a multitude of different games, and it’s a great, albeit standard, mat. For $30.00, it seemed like a good investment!


Overall, I’m really happy with how the production of Mythwind turned out. It’s a game that tons of people are going to enjoy, and Open Owl Studios made sure it had a great table presence as well. If you are on the fence, there is a ton of great content on YouTube for you to enjoy, so be sure to check it out!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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