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Amiibo are not discontinued

Amiibo Are Not Discontinued According to Nintendo of America

Amiibo are currently shaping up to be one of Nintendo’s best ideas in years. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, Nintendo couldn’t have launched their new toy line at a better time. Nintendo recently announced that over 700,000 amiibo have been sold in the U.S. alone and that the gaming giant is projected to make $1 billion in U.S. market in amiibo sales as Tomoaki Kawasaki, a Tokyo-based analyst with Iwai Cosmo Securities Co., told Bloomberg.


As of recent, many amiibo have been difficult to locate (Marth, Wii Fit Trainer, and The Villager), which makes sense if Nintendo is pulling these kinds of figures, and many more are projected to be even harder to find. As of this writing, Little Mac is sold out at every online retailer, and Game Stop doesn’t even list them for purchase within a 100 mile radius of my home in Philadelphia, PA.

What makes this even more alarming is that many major news sites are claiming that some of the least popular amiibo are being discontinued and that they may not see a return to store shelves. While there could be some truth to this, however it is far more likely that some retailers will only restock certain amiibo down the road since it makes no sense to have Gamestop, Target, Wal-mart etc. sell everyone of them all year round.

In any case, with all of the rumors floating around, I reached out to Nintendo of America personally to clear up any confusion and the response I received was pretty different than what has been being reported.


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