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NES Remix Physical Game Coming to North America

Nintendo announced last week that we will be getting a physical copy of NES Remix and NES Remix 2. Both games should be hitting shelves later this year, although no price or exact date were given. 

The NES Remix series has been fairly successful for Nintendo; although many questioned how successful the series could be when it was first announced, playing the game brings back great memories for old gamers, and introducing new gamers to what was the end-all-be-all of gaming in the 80s.

Early reaction seems to be mixed. On the plus side, those who have run out of hard drive space can now own a physical copy of the game, freeing up their hard drive space for digital only releases. There does seem to be a fair amount of criticism as well. This announcement, coupled with the Nintendo Sports Club physical release last week, are making people second guess if they will buy a Nintendo Wii U digital release; both Sports Club and NES Remix were digital long before they were physical. For those who enjoy collecting and displaying their titles, purchasing something they perceive as digital only, and later realizing it will get a physical release, is disappointing. While I understand the anger, I’m not entirely sure Nintendo ever planned to release physical copies of either of these franchises.

If you have been intrigued by NES Remix, and like owning physical titles, it may be worth holding out until a price and release date are announced. If you don’t care about a physical copy, this is an excellent title to tide you over until Nintendo’s next big release.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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