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More proof of Mirror’s Edge 2 existence


We reported last week that Mirror’s Edge 2 was listed on Amazon Germany and it has since also been spotted on the Italian Amazon site. Today new and more concrete proof has been uncovered by a member over at NeoGaf.

NeoGaf member ekim has discovered a help page dedicated to Mirror’s Edge 2 on EA’s very own site. Help pages are only added for games that are either released or due for release so this is almost as good a confimation as we can get that the game exists. Due to both the Amazon listings only mentioning Xbox One, rumour has it Mirror’s Edge 2 might be exclusive to the system. However a timed exclusive seems more likely.
We can only assume the game will be officially revealed at E3 which takes place in LA in a couple weeks.

The help page has since been taken down by EA but not before a screengrab was taken by the NeoGaf member.




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blank With almost 30 years of video game experience to his name, Steven knows more than a thing or two about the industry and has been putting it all to words these past few years. As a trophy hunter, the Playstation brand gets most of his attention. Twitter: SteveVanEekeren PSN: Devils_Demon

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