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Infinite Mini Golf on Steam

Mini golf games have always been my Achilles heel. The game could be utter garbage – and trust me, I’ve purchase more than my fair share on 3DS alone! – and I would STILL buy it. Fortunately, I didn’t have that worry when I reached out to Zen Studios to look at their latest release, Infinite Mini Golf, which is currently available on Steam, as it has been fantastic from start to finish, even without all the modes available at the moment. Later this month, the company hopes to have it out on other platforms as well, so take this as our first impressions, with a more detailed review when we get the chance to play on multiple platforms with the full experience.


With the ability to create almost endless holes in Infinite Mini Golf – hence the name – your imagination is all the limits your gameplay experience. For the cost – sub 20.00 depending on your region – you cannot complain about what is being offered. Over the last number of months, Zen Studios has been slowly adding more and more content, including the Giant Home Tournament on February 3rd, the Nightmare Mansion Tournament on February 24th, and Santa’s Factory Tournament on March 31st. Each of these tournaments took 108 of the very best, hand crafted holes in that theme, and unleashed them on the world!


The ability to create is wonderful, but for non-creative individuals such as myself, I really enjoy the ability to play the creations of others. At the time of writing, there are TONS of holes available, all with different goals, obstacles, and more. Customization, however, is not just limited to the golf course, but to the character designs as well. I spent hours browsing the item shop, and suiting my golfer up in a wide variety of outfits, ranging from classy, to casual, to down right goofy. The custom character creation tools are easy to use and understand, and Zen Studios has provided tons of options, with more likely coming in the future.

The actual golfing mechanics in Infinite Mini Golf are also top notch, so while the company obviously has focused on customization and creativity, it has not negatively affected the actual game play. As an arcade mini golf title, you can be sure that Zen Studios has included a number of whacky power-ups to make sure that no two games feel the same. Whether you are controlling the trajectory of your ball, using springs to bounce around the hole, or swapping out your golf ball for a much larger pool ball, there are tons of wacky powers that you can engage with while playing, and also create with to build seemingly logic-defying holes!

Not every hole is about getting the lowest score, however, as there are instances where you will want to use your extra shots to collect various gems and collectibles, which will net you larger scores. In Infinite Mini Golf, more often than not, you are aiming for the highest score, not for that elusive birdie or eagle (although that also can help your overall hole score)! To entice you to play the game in a variety of ways, the game also has an ‘achievement’ system where you will be give various tasks to complete. For example, you might be asked to score 13,000 on a single hole.


Now that multiplayer has been added, trying for those high scores on any given course can become very competitive. While I’ve not tried this feature out myself, I’ve been watching a number of let’s plays from others. From what I can gather, everyone plays the hole themselves – without waiting for the other players to do their shots – and at the end of each hole, a scoreboard pops up showing who’s in first, second, and so on. As of the time of writing, I believe the game support 8 player multiplayer.

There is a lot to break down with Infinite Mini Golf, but we will wait on our full impressions when the console versions hit later this Spring! In the meantime, we do HIGHLY recommend picking this up. For under 20 bucks, you cannot go wrong. If you have friends who also own the game, the value increases 3 or 4 times over.

Let us know if you are playing Infinite Mini Golf via our social media accounts. We would love to catch you on the links online!



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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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