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Undertale Warns of Dog Marriage

Last night, I finally bought Undertale for the Nintendo Switch. Yes, I know I’m very late to the bandwagon. And I’d also normally just write a More Thoughts about Undertale (I still might) but I had thoughts about the game after playing it last night. I just had to share!


Undertale is such a strange game. First you get attacked by a flower, then you get saved by a creature who wants to keep you locked in her home, and then you get warned of a Dog Marriage. Oh and there’s a bizarre battle system where you can talk your way out of a fight…or not!

The brand of humor on display reminds me of Earthbound a bit, though maybe even more weird than that game. I loved it right away and can’t wait to see what pops up next.

There is so much to see and do in Undertale. Don’t forget to check every sign, give money to spiders, fight every turn-based battle, protect your heart, and always ditch Jerry!

Along with its wonderful sense of humor, Undertale has a very nice retro look to it. Part Earthbound, part I don’t even know what. Undertale would’ve been at home on the NES, the SNES, the DS, the 3DS, heck any system really. This isn’t a game for people who love modern graphics. Its definitely not a game for people who want a serious rpg. Undertale doesn’t take itself seriously.

I love what this game is doing so far. There are some many random things that happen. And the dialogue and events continue to make me laugh and surprise the heck out of me.

In fact, I’m going to play Undertale more right after I finish posting this article! I’ll try to write again about this strange game. And remember: watch out for Dog Marriages!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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