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Ever Oasis First Impressions

Ever Oasis was not something I was looking forward too, and for what ever reason, even the Treehouse Live presentations were not getting my pumped for this release. However, it wasn’t until I played the game last night that I understood the huge appeal. I hope more people are willing to give Ever Oasis a try as it could be a very successful, new IP for Nintendo!


We have partnered with Abdallah once again to promote Ever Oasis! Below, you will find his gameplay walk through of the demo. Be sure to follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his YouTube!

The story is nothing exciting, but I’m not sure anyone thought it would be. You play a young boy or girl, which you can name. You can choose your skin colour and eye colour – Blue on Blue baby! – and you are instantly dropped into the game. Early on, things are pretty slow. You’ll sit through a lot of cut scenes – which, outside the opening sequence, can be skipped – which will essentially tell you that you are building an Oasis as the last Chiefs on the planet, to battle the Chaos that exists in the world, and that destroyed your brother and his Oasis.

It’s a pretty basic storyline I suppose, and it’s nothing exciting. But it does serve the purpose of introducing what the game is all about: building up an Oasis, bringing in new businesses, building up your residents, and completing dungeons. Ultimately, you want to defeat the Chaos.

I’ve only played for about an hour. I only have a few residents, a few stores, and ventured out into the desert a few times. But I’m having a blast, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else on 3DS right now. You should give this title a try, as you will be pleasantly surprised. Support this franchise, Nintendo fans! We will want more of this in the future.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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