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Steamworld Heist Will Arrive On the PS4 and PSVita This Month

Developer ImageForm announced today that their game Steamworld Heist will be coming to the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita this month. Check out the launch date, price, and other details below.

Steamworld Heist will be coming to the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita on May 31st. The title will be coming to North America, Europe, and Australia on that same day. It will be available with cross-buy support and cost $19.99. “The Outsider” DLC will be available day one too!

I really liked Steamworld Heist on the 3DS. Its an excellent turn-based tactical rpg. I’m sure it will look great on the Playstation 4 and Vita.

For more information on Steamworld Heist for PS4 and Vita, including a launch discount, check out the ImageForm press release below the next picture:

” Howdy, everyone!
We have big news today: SteamWorld Heist, our award-winning action strategy shooter, is coming to PS4 and PS Vita on May 31! After a great time and big success on Nintendo 3DS, we’re thrilled to bring the HD version to PlayStation 😀

SteamWorld Heist will launch simultaneously in the Americas, Europe, and Australia. It comes with a slew of wonderful languages and will also be cross-buy. We did a PS4/Vita cross-buy when we launched SteamWorld Dig on PlayStation back in 2014, so doing it again was a no-brainer.

The full price will be $19.99 / €19.99 / £15.99 (or the equivalent), but to celebrate SteamWorld Heist’s HD debut we’re also treating PlayStation gamers to a 15% discount. If you’re in Europe or Australia, the game is available for pre-order from today and you can enjoy the discount in the two weeks until launch. Our friends in the Americas will get the discount at launch. Make sure to check the PlayStation Store for more info once the SteamWorld Heist game page is up and running in your region!

Also, The Outsider DLC will be available on both PS4 and PS Vita from day one. Exciting times! “

And here’s footage of the PS4 version along with the release date reveal:

Are you looking forward to playing Steamworld Heist on the Playstation 4 and/or Vita?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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