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More Thoughts From Me #254: My Crazy 2021 Nintendo Predictions

Its a New Year! And we have no idea what Nintendo has in store for us past February. They just haven’t announced much for this year. That doesn’t mean that Nintendo has nothing. As we know, Nintendo likes their surprises. They want to give us announcements out of nowhere, when we least expect it. So here are my craZy 2021 predictions. Watch me be wrong about every single thing. My first prediction is that Breath of the Wild 2 will…

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nintendo direct feat

More Thoughts From Me #185: 9/4/2019 Nintendo Direct Predictions

Nintendo announced a Direct for tomorrow, September 4th, earlier today. The Direct will be at 5pm central time and feature roughly 40 minutes of Nintendo goodness. What will the Direct be about? What do I predict we’ll see? Thats what this column is about: the predictions! Tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct will be roughly 40 minutes long and be focused on 2019 games! But I have a feeling thats not all we’ll see. Here are my Nintendo Direct predictions. I think we…

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More Thoughts From Me #69: My E3 2017 Predictions

Its almost time for E3 again. On June 12, Sony and Microsoft will hold their conferences and announce stuff. And then on June 13, Nintendo will have a video spotlight and Treehouse Live were they will announce things. But what exactly will Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo show? Today I’ll give you my guesses, which are sure to be very wrong! I always look forward to E3 a lot. Every year, its fun watching Sony, Microsoft, and especially Nintendo announce new…

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