A Pokémon Presents aired today. The biggest announcement during the video was that we will be getting Pokémon Scarlet/Violet DLC later in the year. Check out the Pokémon Presents below. Pokémon Scarlet/Violet DLC was announced today. Part 1 of the DLC will be coming in the Fall and Part 2 will be coming in the Winter. New Pokémon will be available in the DLC. If you pre-order the DLC, you’ll get some outfits and a code for a new Pokémon.…
Read MorePokemon Violet
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Are Available Now
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are out now! Stay tuned to GamesReviews.com for articles about the game(s). Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are out now! You can find them at retail stores and on the Nintendo Switch eshop. Our editor-in-chief Adam Roffel is holding a contest here to win the game(s). There will be even more opportunities to enter the contest because both Adam and I will be writing about the game here at GamesReviews.com! My converge of the game should start…
Read MorePokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet – Overview Trailer
An overview trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet was released yesterday. The game will be out this Friday! Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet is the first open world game in the franchise. Not only that, but it provides three main quests instead of one. The overview trailer goes over these quests again while also showing lots of Pokémon. With the game(s) coming out this Friday, the hype is building for Scarlet/Violet. Will you be checking it out?…
Read MoreThe Newest Chapters in the Pokémon Series (Video)
A new video for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet was released today! Check it out below. The game(s) come out next week! The new video for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet was really good. It didn’t show anything we hadn’t seen before but it was a very nice showcase of what the new game has to offer. The new song is pretty nice too. What do you think of Pokémon Scarlet/Violet? Are you looking forward to it?…
Read MoreNew Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Trailer Tomorrow (6/1)
The Pokémon Company announced that there will be a new trailer for Scarlet/Violet released tomorrow! A new trailer for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet will be released tomorrow (6/1). It will premiere at 6:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 am central). Its unknown what will be shown during the trailer or how long the trailer will be. Pokémon Scarlet/Violet is the first open world Pokémon game! Hopefully we’ll get more of a look at the how the open world looks and a hint of the…
Read MorePokémon Presents | 2.27.2022 (video)
Today, there was a Pokémon Presents video! Its Pokémon Day! Check out the video below and then come back for some thoughts on it. Happy Pokémon Day! Today’s Pokémon Presents video didn’t seem great at first. There were a lot of updates to the mobile/Switch spinoffs and then a small update for Brillant Diamond/Shining Pearl and a slightly bigger update for Pokémon Arceus. It seemed pretty disappointing… And then! A live action trailer started. I admit I thought it was…
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